Vedic Lifesciences

Winner of
Nutra Ingredients Awards
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Winner of Nutra Ingredients Awards
Nutrition Research Project
Award Image
This Nutrition Research Project is the clinical development of a popular food supplement, 5-ALA+SFC as an immune system enhancer for the COVID-19 vaccine. While the end of the pandemic is unclear, COVID-19 vaccine efficacy has been questioned in recent times. Hence our research attains public health significance if vaccine efficacy can be improved through an approved food supplement. 5-ALA is widely present in our diet and is a well-studied essential amino acid. Initial results have shown that 5-ALA+SFC may improve IgG titers against the SARS-CoV2 antigen, and is well-tolerated. Larger studies are needed for this project of global significance.
The Judges Verdict
The project is well described, and the benefits of the product that are tested are well explained and documented. The pandemic has had a big impact globally and products that may boost the immune systems and vaccines are of great interest.
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Blank Form (#4)

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